Kev arrived as arranged and I immediately put him through the skills check. This revealed a tidy rider but with a couple of missing skills that bogged down his techniques out on the quantocks etc.
We began with drops then drops into berms. I worked hard on his looking and body position in both techniques.
We moved onto the tabletop and 6ft gap jump to apply his new skill set to this technique and the same result occurred.
After a while, we moved onto the pump and jump trail and I worked on pumping the gain speed. In no time at all, Kev was generating enough speed from the first couple of sections to jump the 9ft tabletop.
I then brought him onto a very low ladder to work on his mental skills and to deal with a very common fear. Once corrected, Kev was confidently riding along and off a low ladder drop. It was clear that we could move it up a notch.
We worked hard on linking an advanced ladder drop into a wooden berm and Kev really got to grips with it and was railing it by the end.
To round off our session we worked on another drop and linked it to a 9ft gap jump and into a berm. Once Kev had ridden each one he then linked them together smoothly and fluidly.
This capped off a great session and the smooth unhurried progress we made was awesome in a single session. I can't wait for Kev's future riding updates.