I could see that some good habits had been picked up by Chris from Sam and that made the sessions direction simpler for me.
Chris used to pull his bike into the air on jumps and drops and I needed to correct this first before moving onto the drops.
Here I got them to use their new skills set and even began to style it in the air too.
I then worked on drops into corners. Line choice, body position, looking and foot work were used and they began to fly around the corner.
Next, we worked on jumping the 6ft tabletop and also the gap jump next to it. Once again, they sailed over it easily and the gap side too.
I then moved onto a low ladder to work on their mental skill set before adding the drop off of the end. Once they were happy there I moved them to a ladder 7ft high with a gap to a wooden landing. They wanted a break and we shared a coffee and they noticed the 9ft gap jump. Both were happier to ride that they said than the ladder drop so I worked on that for 5mins. To both of their surprises, they sailed over it time and time again.
They then both asked to go back to the high ladder drop and one by one they rode it easily. They even added the following wooden berm into the mix!
Watching them ride with such confidence was awesome to witness and after a while they began to tire mentally and our session ended with a demonstration of the exact same skill set in use in my own riding on the highest ladders at herts.
Amazing day.
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