Wednesday 10 November 2010

Andy W's one to one

Andy wanted to focus on his jumping ability but after running him through my skills health check I discovered that concentrating on his cornering would pay greater dividends for his riding.
Andy had a natural push to unweight the front end so I began applying it in different contexts. 1st the drop technique where I worked on his looking and body positioning during flight.

We then moved onto the coaching trail and worked on the 14 sections contained within it, methodically. Andy had pretty natural footwork but years of motorbikes had messed with his body positioning during cornering. I worekd hard on his looking and body positioning here too.

I worked on getting air time too, as I showed how to use the push in another context. We worked on linking sections up, particularly drops into corners.

From there we went onto jumping table tops where once again I worked methodically with him on getting the skills set working for him both physically and mentally.

Finally, I worked with Andy on carrying speed into and out of corners. Andy got faster and smoother and we ended our session as mental fatigue began to show.
I really look forward to Andy's on going updates on his riding.
High 5!

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